На сайте https://freegame.greenmangaming.com/ бесплатно раздают стим игру Rush Bros. Для получения нужно зарегестрироваться и ввести все нужные данные, вскоре ключ прийдет на мыло.
1) Регестрируйся 2) По ссылке https://freegame.greenmangaming.com/ вводи мыло, ник, пароль и возраст 3)На мыло прийдет письмо, надо перейти по ссылке в письме 4)Прийдет второе письмо с ключем к игре 5)Активируй в стиме
столкнулся с такой проблемой At this point we need to mention…
This Free Game Giveaway is open to existing Green Man Gaming customers only. If you are an existing Green Man Gaming customer and have had a valid account prior to the announcement of this Free Game Giveaway, ensure you are using the correct credentials and try again.
If you didn't already have a Green Man Gaming account, guess what, we've now automatically created you one, so you can get the best deals in gaming and keep your ear to the ground for our next Free Game Giveaway!
Ooops… We seem to have encountered a glitch in the matrix
This is commonly caused by the wrong password having been entered. Please try to register your details again, using the same credentials you use to sign into Green Man Gaming and/or Playfire.
Good luck!
Я на этой зелёной фигне так ниразу не взял игру. Постоянно ошибки или просто письма не приходят.
2) По ссылке https://freegame.greenmangaming.com/ вводи мыло, ник, пароль и возраст
3)На мыло прийдет письмо, надо перейти по ссылке в письме
4)Прийдет второе письмо с ключем к игре
5)Активируй в стиме
This Free Game Giveaway is open to existing Green Man Gaming customers only. If you are an existing Green Man Gaming customer and have had a valid account prior to the announcement of this Free Game Giveaway, ensure you are using the correct credentials and try again.
If you didn't already have a Green Man Gaming account, guess what, we've now automatically created you one, so you can get the best deals in gaming and keep your ear to the ground for our next Free Game Giveaway!
Back to form.
We seem to have encountered a glitch in the matrix
This is commonly caused by the wrong password having been entered. Please try to register your details again, using the same credentials you use to sign into Green Man Gaming and/or Playfire.
Good luck!
Я на этой зелёной фигне так ниразу не взял игру. Постоянно ошибки или просто письма не приходят.