Молодой режиссёр снял стилистическое продолжение нашумевшего ролика о поцелуях незнакомцев. В отличие от оригинала, в его видео люди, встретившиеся впервые, должны были обменяться пощёчинами. Получилось очень интересно, участвовавшие получили массу удовольствия от данного процесса.
THE SLAP,People,,I gathered acquaintances, friends both casual and close, paired them randomly, put them in a void, and asked them to hit each other in the face. No one was pressured, and everyone was hit as hard as THEY asked to be hit. To go beyond the parody for the full story of what happened, be sure to watch Point of Impact. Song is "We Might Be Dead By Tomorrow" by Soko, used with artist's permission. You can find the song here. https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/we-might-be-dead-by-tomorrow/id593171668?i=593171836 This is not a marketing campaign, just me and my friends being real, real dumb. Follow Max at @uptomyknees and the Content Monsters at http://www.youtube.com/thecontentmonsters
video,YouTube,The slap,пощечина,песочница
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