Dick Figures

Dick Figures песочница удалённое 
Dick Figures,песочница,удалённое

Dick Figures,песочница,удалённое
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уже ненавижу Эрла Грэйя... сраный позёр с его ручным Бергамотом...
fgsdg fgsdg 03.08.201415:57 ответить ссылка 0.0
А я люблю чай...Но не Эрла Грэйя..
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with Balls! Dick Figures - Lord Tourette's Compilation,Comedy,,Just enjoy it! Lot of people asked for a compilation, and now is here!

I totally respect tourette's syndrome. It's just a funny video, and a funny character for all!

I don't own any sound and animation in this video.

личное Dick Figures

Dick Figures - Lord Tourette's Compilation,Comedy,,Just enjoy it! Lot of people asked for a compilation, and now is here! PD: I totally respect tourette's syndrome. It's just a funny video, and a funny character for all! I don't own any sound and animation in this video.