How can we improve the IE developer experience? Enter your idea Hot New Category ▼ My feedback ▼ Stop Internet Explorer development This browser was a pain and is still a pain, please die. 58 comments Performance Rag idea as inappropriate... 2,421 votes 1,255 votes Object.observeO; Observe changes to JS objects. http://wiki.ecmascript.orq/doku.php?id=harmonv:observe 0 comments JavaScript Rag idea as inappropriate... 1,076 votes Shadow DOM (unprefixed) Enables DOM tree encapsulation. Without it, widgets may inadvertently break pages by using conflicting CSS selectors, class or id names, or JavaScript variables. http://dvcs.w3.Org/hq/webcomponents/raw-file/tip/spec/shadow/i ndex.html 0 comments HTML Rag idea as inappropriate...
ie,Internet Explorer,Microsoft,Майкрософт,браузер,в семье не без урода,ОСТАНОВИТЕ ЭТО,смешные картинки,фото приколы,боль,ослик,живность,песочница
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