Robotic Silicone Tentacle,Tech,,I've been developing ways to use 3d powder printing to make air powered robots that have no hard moving parts. Using procedural modeling I can create rapid iterations, incremental designs, and inexpensive prototypes with a simple set of tools. Find more details at - http://har.ms/category/blog/soft-robots/ Here's an early demonstration of a trefoil tentacle in action. There are three hollow ribbed volumes inside this tentacle that control its motion. It is controlled through a Processing interface and an Arduino switching a bank of solenoid valves using a simple Darlington transistor. You can grab the code here - http://forums.adafruit.com/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=36579 The music featured is Pling by Jaspertine http://ccmixter.org/files/jaspertine/19215
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