babe we need to talk * A you owe me a second chance I remember this one time when I was helping my dad with his gardening and at the end of the day we were dehydrated and worn out so we ordered some indian takeaway and had a few beers next morning I woke up absolutely busting for a shit lol problem was, because of the indian food it was going to be a ring burner, and because I was still dehydrated it was coming out hard this was not going to be a pleasant shit, is what i'm saying so I sat there for like ten, fifteen minutes, trying to push this demon turd out of me umm suffering through the burning \ ■■ — ■ - this thing that was topping out the Mohs scale after a while I was able to snap it off, but though the turd was gone, its memory lived on my asshole felt distended, stretched into unholy positions, and burned worse than Anakin Skywalker at the end of episode 3 it was the rest of the day before it felt like it returned to normal but you know what? what hold it close to me apologise to it reassure it that everything was going to be okay then cram it back into my asshole than give you a second chance wow yeah go fuck yourself ----------------------- V
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кратко - она скорее засунет его обратно, чем даст бывшему второй шанс.
про непнонятные слова - в urbandict.
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