Super Zombies Infection Scare Prank!,Entertainment,,*IMPORTANT: No special effect have been used in the explosion scene. Everything you see is 100% REAL. The explosion was 648 meters away from the victims, you can ear the sound coming late. Map: http://gyazo.com/8178b1aecb512e173f5461d6915d1bcb Explosion test the day before: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5Unqzw2oc0 Click Here To Subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c... Like our facebook! https://www.facebook.com/DmPranks DM Pranks shop: http://gummymall.com/dmpranks Connect with us! Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/DmPranks Twitter ► https://twitter.com/dmpranks Instagram ► http://instagram.com/dmpranksproductions More videos: FEROCIOUS MUTANT: http://youtu.be/8zgJj0HysbM CLOWN PART 1: http://youtu.be/8xSNiPx791A CLOWN PART 2: http://youtu.be/hHjGtBnSv50 CLOWN PART 3: http://youtu.be/WHZPEkZCqwA CLOWN PART 4: http://youtu.be/0RO_HQMvxLo FLAMETHROWER: http://youtu.be/3FztNNH9_vI ZOMBIE MURDER: http://youtu.be/MkOGb5_ML_8
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