Fuck it All (Honest Final Exam Version) Music Video PARODY,Entertainment,,Sung By / экзамены :: мб баян :: fuck it all :: frozen :: видео (video)

frozen видео fuck it all мб баян песочница экзамены удалённое 

Fuck it All (Honest Final Exam Version) Music Video PARODY,Entertainment,,Sung By DrunkenSch0k0muffin ♫ Vocals, SFX and Mix: DrunkenSchokomuffin https://www.youtube.com/user/DrunkenSch0k0muffin Like the video=)VINE : https://vine.co/Leenda.D SNAPCHAT : LeendaDee - My Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/Leendadproductions Instagram:http://instagram.com/leendadavenue Twitter:https://twitter.com/LeendaDong Fuck it All (Honest Final Exam Version) Music Video Parody Kelly Instagram:http://instagram.com/kellydong604 The clock ticks by too fast this time Not a moment to be lost A sack of books around me And it looks like it's the day Finals are coming and we all must try our best But I've given up I'll just swing that test No fun today, no fun at all no more talking on the telephone read this, write that and learn it all Can't learn it all Fuck it all, fuck it all Can't study this anymore Fuck it all, fuck it all All my classes are a bore I don't care If I fail this test Let my mom rage on... My grades never bothered me anyway Fuck it all fuck it all Don't give a shit anymore Fuck it all fuck it all Flip that table screw you all I don't take this bullshit anymore I don't give a fuck! My grades never bothered me anyway
frozen,видео,video,fuck it all,мб баян,песочница,экзамены,удалённое
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долбаные нытики
в макдак тогда, там экзаменов нет
avavavav avavavav 29.03.201509:42 ответить ссылка 0.6
Ага, что же с этими нытиками будет на работе, когда к дедлайну подойдут, а проект только на половину сделан.
Longman Longman 29.03.201510:06 ответить ссылка -0.1
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Fuck you plane!,People & Blogs,, Вот как надо сдавать экзамены :DD,Comedy,,