PC Build Time Lapse,People & Blogs,PC build,Time-lapse Photography,building a pc,building a gaming pc,how to build a gaming pc,how to build a pc,gaming computer,building a computer,meg turney,meg turney pc build,It's finally happening! Here's a time lapse of my PC build and set-up. I will be posting a video detailing each piece on Wednesday! The build section just has me putting in all the pieces - the wiring was later after a much-deserved dinner break. Since this was my very first PC build, I had help on the sidelines - anytime you see me looking up, I'm asking a question. NOTE: I ended up using the stock Intel cooler FOR NOW - I bought another HSF (which will be in the parts video), but was reading that I may not need it. If I feel like Oliver starts running hot, I'll switch it out. Also, yes, I still have my Christmas tree up. This is the website I used to pick parts. I pulled from the "enthusiast" tier: http://www.logicalincrements.com/ P.O. Box: Meg Turney P.O. Box 50204 Studio City, CA 91614 Music by Heartbeat Riot (@heartbeatriot): https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Heartbeat_Riot_Heartbeat_Riot_EP?id=Buidx4x6qq5vshwr4gdeevdgtxe&hl=en_GB https://www.facebook.com/Heartbeatriot Social Media Sites: Twitter: @megturney Facebook: facebook.com/megturneycosplay Instagram: instagram.com/dollwithagun
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