Название: Ignore the Smokey Smell
Почему такое название, автор не знает сам. Писалось в качестве подарка, был лимит времени, потому ничего нет на диване и на столике. Но фиг это заметишь.
Автор: My original idea was to have her head turned looking out across the street and there was a burnt down house there. Thus...
However, I wanted to see the side of her face so the background fell out of focus. I'm a little sticky when naming things, I generally go with the first name that cements itself in my head even if it's not my favorite or doesn't fit the picture and this picture doesn't fit into any stories I have so the name really doesn't matter to begin with.
Почему такое название, автор не знает сам. Писалось в качестве подарка, был лимит времени, потому ничего нет на диване и на столике. Но фиг это заметишь.
Автор: My original idea was to have her head turned looking out across the street and there was a burnt down house there. Thus...
However, I wanted to see the side of her face so the background fell out of focus. I'm a little sticky when naming things, I generally go with the first name that cements itself in my head even if it's not my favorite or doesn't fit the picture and this picture doesn't fit into any stories I have so the name really doesn't matter to begin with.