I2IG 121% WAT# WAR IS РЕА1Ж -FREEDOM IS Slf IGNORANCE IS » He who contra the past contra the future, it who contents fh present control* the past. When THE PARTY SEEK! ENI1T NUnAnlt1У e who contra ?past contra e future. It ft \<\ >Jow many Jinqers, ffinston? ONE IS CURED >fER OR LATER. /IN THE END WE ^.L SHOOT YOU. Power is ПШ a means; W/if A* an end. f/\\ YOU ARE A MAN, Г WINSTON, YOU ARE iosityj THE LAST MAN. SS OF FIFE. If you want a Щ1ВЕ picture of the v u t и r e , oot stamping on human face JREVER . WILL BE NO
1984,George Orwell,песочница
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