Комиссия по транспортным происшествиям Австралии (ТАС) запустила новый проект по безопасности дорожного движения. В его рамках эксперты смоделировали человека, который эволюционировал, чтобы выживать в автокатастрофах.Модель, получившую имя Грэм (Graham), создали приглашенные ТАС травматолог Мельбурнской королевской больницы Кристиан Кенфилд (Christian Kenfield), специалист по безопасности движения из Университета Монаша Дэвид Логан (David Logan) и известная художница Патришия Пиччинини (Patricia Piccinini). Реалистичная интерактивная скульптура показывает, какими анатомическими особенностями должен обладать человек, чтобы с высокой вероятностью выжить в современной автокатастрофе. Получилось, как по мне, охуенно
The only person to survive on our roads- Meet Graham, TAC 2016,Education,Towards,Zero;,TAC;,Transport,Accident,Commission;,road,safety;,trauma;,tv,commercials;,Victoria;,drink,drive;,toll;,Graham,Meet Graham,vulnerability,sculpture,sculptor,art,artist,Victoria,Melbourne,Australia,Christian Kenfield,Patricia Piccinini,Dr David Logan,surgeon,expert,Project Graham,evolution,speed,Meet Graham. To survive on our roads, you’d need to look something like him. You can visit him at the State Library of Victoria July 21 – August 08 or at http://www.meetgraham.com.au To subscribe to TACVictoria click here: http://bit.ly/1SIy8sm Graham is the TAC’s latest road safety project, highlighting how vulnerable the human body is to the forces involved in transport accidents. The TAC collaborated with leading trauma surgeon Christian Kenfield, crash investigator expert David Logan and world-renowned artist Patricia Piccinini, to produce Graham - an interactive, lifelike interactive sculpture demonstrating human vulnerability. Studies show the human body can only cope with impact speeds people can reach on their own, unassisted by vehicles. Graham has been designed with bodily features that might be present in humans if they had evolved to withstand the forces involved in crashes. When visiting Graham, visitors will have access to the latest immersive augmented reality technology, to look beneath Graham’s skin and better understand how his unique features would work to cushion him from serious injury in a crash. Want to learn more? http://www.meetgraham.com.au Like TAC on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TransportAccidentCommission Follow TAC on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TACVictoria TAC Victoria Website: https://www.tac.vic.gov.au Towards Zero Website: https://www.towardszero.vic.gov.au/ ====================== "Copyright in the material on this website is owned by the TAC and may only be used for non-commercial personal or educational purposes. You may not modify, transmit or revise the contents of this website without the prior written permission of the TAC." Comments may not be published if they do not add to the discussion, are offensive, repetitious, illegal or meaningless, contain clear errors of fact or are in poor taste.
3D моделирование,аварии,Типичный реакторчанин,аварийностойкий чувак
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