■i... DERP “9* 14:15 81 o/oCS Messages BfOderp Edit Ezekiel 25-17. Go. The path of the righte / Pulp Fiction :: джулс

джулс Pulp Fiction песочница 
■i... DERP “9*
81 o/oCS
Messages BfOderp	Edit
Ezekiel 25-17. Go.
The path of the righteous man is be set on All sides by the inequities...
Of the selfish an the tyranny of evil men.
Blessed is he who In the name of charity and goodwill...
Shepperds the weak through the valley of
■i... DERP “9* 14:15 81 o/oCS Messages BfOderp Edit Ezekiel 25-17. Go. The path of the righteous man is be set on All sides by the inequities... Of the selfish an the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who In the name of charity and goodwill... Shepperds the weak through the valley of darkness v_ For he is truly his brothers' keeper and the Finder of lost children... J. __/ And i will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger THOSE WHO ATTEMPT TO POISON AND DESTROY MY BROTHERS... AND YOU WILL KNOW MY NAME IS THE LORD WHEN I LAY MY VENGEANCE UPON THEE v-- [Gunshots]
джулс,Pulp Fiction,песочница
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момент из Чтива, где негр наставив пушку, зачитывает отрывок из Библии, по-ходу
Ебать, тэгов мало? Хотя, школьники такой фильм не посмотрели бы.
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