Знаю, что уже было, но здесь есть полное описание. / MrFr2eman :: Мрачные картинки :: timofeystepanov :: красивые картинки :: Timofey stepanov :: the edge :: hi-res :: bell crow :: concept art :: art (арт)

MrFr2eman art красивые картинки concept art bell crow hi-res the edge Мрачные картинки 

Знаю, что уже было, но здесь есть полное описание.

ЗЗеН Crow starts to utter a thundering scream and his crows gather in a huge black cloud, covering the whole woods in pitch of darkness,
Afterwards there is only
-	silence * the boss is awaiting
-	the first action of the enemy
F>is awakening makes the bells ring that gives a sign for the
ЗЗеН Crow starts to utter a thundering scream and his crows gather in a huge black cloud, covering the whole woods in pitch of darkness, Afterwards there is only - silence * the boss is awaiting - the first action of the enemy ЖгШ F>is awakening makes the bells ring that gives a sign for the closest crows to gather around him so he can gather a big flock of crows moving towards a foe Ringing of the main bell * he carries in his han^^ infuriates the crows and/\\ V they becoming agressive. ' ^ \' / / fl/V — > ' Л,/ t ( \ 1 / УГ7 , U щ \ж / г ц 4 % л ь ' / ./ V Once upon a time фе Bell Crow bad been a true lion at bearu\ / Г \ throughout bis entire life be bad fought bard to overcome Ш injustice and atrocities in bis land. Re fought bard to bring justice to фе lands, but despite all bis effort be failed ,W ЖЖ Fear gripped tbe hearts of tbe nations people and soon феу closed ^eir eyes \ "'IfTi t° tbe evils ravaging through the lands. Children grew up seeing wickedness \ Л around them a few became wicked themselves and so the evil cycle continiued. A 7 Brave had seen more evil than anyone no matter bow much be fought he could see no end v /Ж Г 1 on the horizon to the darkness that shrouded bis country, find so even the flame burning in | bis heart was snuffed out. Д \ defeated by darkness be fled into the deep dark forest of ©ravewood. Re wandered alone for 1 |ч. Д days, trying to escape the darkness be bad fought bis entire life, until be came upon a grave* > г x^djsite. Лп horror be looked at th>e scene before him. hundreds of graves all looted and those wY>o(A/ VJ dwelled in the earth was denied the sanctity of their final resting place. Re fled the horryfying !ij scene running for days, all while slowly his mind was consumed by thoughts of revenge ana vJ® feelings of rage. fftalnourisbed be stumbled upon an old altar dedicatee! to the god of death- /П& if if / 'Standing in the mist of ruins overrun by nature. Re felt a strong pressence emiting from it forcing him down in prayer, mustering the las of his strengb be lifted his baud to sky asking ~r\ that aU those evil at heart would be smitten, ftas his wishes rose to the bourns the god of deatp » >у=ч I * 'he mans body was destroyed and hs jJ \;J heard him. granting him his wish. & contract was formed, фе mans body was destroyed and his will be placed with new powerfull body with фе power to punish evil. find so the Bell Crow was born, Сфе Bell Crow uttered a roar ringing so loudly that the echo of it could be beard for many moons I, vyv VI V Д V Vi V VV I VVi V» 1 V VV 1 111 « VJ II «VJ UV «V у VI/ Vi V VIyv vvyv V I IV W VilVHI V V I/ V Vi I Vi ■ VI II V Vi I » у I consumed by rage he shot forth sweeping over the lands he had once called home, fill those be came across who bore no purity within their souls died a gruesome death with a face full of terror. Che Bell Crow destroyed entire villages in his quest for justice, leaving only those pure of heart to pick up the pieces. When he finally stopped knowing his quest completed his mind was filled with a peace he had never felt before. £he Bell Crow gazed out over his former homelands, taking every last bit of it in before he returned to forest. £h>e price for bis dreams bad been to become eternal guardian of those who laid at rest in ©ravewood. With фе contract was sealed фе god of death reached out with bis cold band plucked фе mans two eyes, screaming in agonizing be soon realized that even if be had lost 2 eyes фе god of deaф had given фт thousands in return, all bis crow servants now allowed him to see through their eyes. Do man or woman could now escape фе penetrating gaze of фе Bell Crow.
Timofey stepanov,art,арт,красивые картинки,concept art,bell crow,hi-res,the edge,Мрачные картинки,timofeystepanov,MrFr2eman
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			|]|K&^S!№ÍH^Sk i D f>SW¡ÉJ//	^ wtei—-д%>^ *082Ä	ИДО»> f
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	1KIt’JJ ! 1	яшйш
^^SSö^MiSli	Г1Д гУÍTaI И|И1	
	n 3Tv	ITJ	S EiilllE1

Timofey stepanov artist Fantasy,Fantasy art art,арт Тёмное фэнтези длиннопост

ilifWIh ИИ— f О* f 1 A0&///Í. ШШШшшШШША \жу/// |]|K&^S!№ÍH^Sk i D f>SW¡ÉJ// ^ wtei—-д%>^ *082Ä ИДО»> f ^1 -у. Т^я^^ДвЯДД 1KIt’JJ ! 1 яшйш ^^SSö^MiSli Г1Д гУÍTaI И|И1 n 3Tv ITJ S EiilllE1