ASIA . China may be using sea L to hide its submarines Ml th •d to jrnaJ n and certainty not / новости :: газета

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. China may be using sea L to hide its submarines
•d to
n	and certainty not to furtb-
;	er militarize outposts in
the South China Sea.”
The South China Sea -bounded by Vietnam, China, Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines and Malaysia -
i-	is one of the world's most


ASIA . China may be using sea L to hide its submarines Ml th •d to jrnaJ n and certainty not to furtb- ; er militarize outposts in the South China Sea.” The South China Sea -bounded by Vietnam, China, Taiwan, Japan, the Philippines and Malaysia - i- is one of the world's most 4 important shipping lanes. China asserts it holds maritime rights to 80 n uclear-powered. It also has at least three nuclear- powered submarines capable of launching ballistic missiles and is planning to add five more, according to a Pentagon report released last year. In an April media briefing in Washington, a top US. Navy official said the ----- U watching that developed by the United States and Russia. Its submarine program is a major part of that push. Since submarines can often avoid detection, they are less vulnerable to a first-strike attack than land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles or nuclear bombers. China’s JL2 submarine United States was easily tracking their submarines in the open ocean. So the Soviets created heavily mined and fortified zones for their subs to operate as dose to die United States as possible. One was in the White Sea of northwest Russia and the other was in the Sea of Okhotsk, north of Japan, said Cole. « < \ ( o R. R ST G fr.ft EHtSB Be.SE«

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Sergant744 Sergant744 19.12.201617:36 ссылка
на скорую руку
The Chinese missile frigate Yulm fires in the South China Sea Some analysts
an anri-surf** gun battery last month dunng ■ fear China « elevating as presence m the sea
На Реактор завезли новый шаблон для мема!
nuclear-powered. It alto has at least three nuclear-powered submarines capable of
sovietrobot sovietrobot 19.12.201617:54 ссылка
Китайцы, сэр.
Вот и шаблон подъехал
на скорую руку
The Chinese missile frigate Yulm fires in the South China Sea Some analysts
an anri-surf** gun battery last month dunng ■ fear China « elevating as presence m the sea
На Реактор завезли новый шаблон для мема!
nuclear-powered. It alto has at least three nuclear-powered submarines capable of
ровная версия без текста
. .	.  .. .	Ufi tiMi m	—t rvt	f-,m Ufa
rheChines« ™JSSiUi n<3f e Yulm fires an anti-surface gun battery last month during exercises with Singapore s n*/y tn the South China Sea- Some analysts fear China is elevating its presence m the sea so rt can conceal its submarines
d to
iHronos iHronos 19.12.201618:39 ответить ссылка 13.5
Ну и классика:
rheChines« mfesile friga?* fulm fires an anti-surface gun battery last month dunng exerctses with Singapore* na/y in S°uth China Sea. Some analysts fear China is elevating its presence in the sea so it can conceal its submarines
d to
and certainly not to further
ThiChcneÜ ïï?Sitecfrig?e Yul,n f!res T ant,'surfdce 9^ battery last month during exercises mth Singapore's n»ry in the South China Sea- Some analysts fear Ch oa is elevating its presence m the sea so rt can conceal rts submannes
d to
djbaton djbaton 19.12.201619:29 ответить ссылка 31.5
Шаблон красивый. А в чем шутка то?
"Китай может прятать свои подлодки в море".
>В море
Это нарушает принципы демократии (по мнению США), срочно ввести санкции.
Китайцам запретят море?
vled13 vled13 19.12.201622:05 ответить ссылка 1.0
И прятаться...
И китайцев.
Господа, будьте так любезны, если не трудно, то очень Вас прошу, исключительно из соображений человеколюбия и гуманизма, дайте этому "мему" оригинальный тэг.
Да тут весь реактор уже который год от рака спасается)
IIIBeD IIIBeD 19.12.201623:01 ответить ссылка 2.4
Будем жить вечно!
Huue Huue 19.12.201623:26 ответить ссылка 1.9
Если не умрём от обезвоживания.
Мопед не мой ...
n41l n41l 19.12.201623:13 ответить ссылка 0.7
Проститутки на круглом столе МВД | Филипп Киркоров съел Лепса Хулио приехал 3 Конкурс красоты сперматозоидов в Нижнем Тагиле | Собака пыталась покинуть Омск
Лобковым вшам негде жить
Лобковые вши оказались иа грани исчезновении
Earendur Earendur 20.12.201600:42 ответить ссылка -3.2

г -5***^

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