Карта, на которой размер страны зависит от стоимости её самого дорогого бренда
The World's Most Valuable Brands 2017 by Country Netherlands $36.8B Norway $7.6B United Kingdom S21.8B ¥ Canada $12.7B Ireland $8.6B United States $109.5B gfotf Denmark $7.6B Google V A Finland $4.6B Sweden $24.1B Germany $37.1 B South Korea $66.2B Spain $15.9B Mexico $8.5B Colombia $3.8B % PeTROL ia lobelia. Chile $3.7B % Brazil $6.9B Brand Strength Index 2017 More than 90 80 - 90 70-80 Less than 70 Taiwan k\ $6.2B $3.8B Hong Kong India $9.9B $12.9B Thailand $4.4B w Malaysia Sins pore S10.6B "japan $46.3B & Telkom Indonesia Indonesia $4.3B Australia $11B How to read: The map shows the biggest brand in selected countries. Each brand shown is the biggest company of its country. Each country is sized to reflect the global value of its major brand (bigger is more valuable, of course). The colors represent brand strength, out of a maximum of 100. Sources: https://howmuch.net/articles/most-valuable-brands-2017 http://brandfinance.com/ howMuchn"
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Я конечно, понимаю что больших производители нам нахуй не нужны, но почему именно банк? не почта блядская там... не газпром на худой конец...