Заявка на изобретение US2006094518: Вручную управлаяемая машина для самостоятельного пинания задницы.
Данное изобретения может применяться для развлечения, самотерапии, развития самодисциплины, самовдохновления.Подробнее
US 20060094518A1 (i9) United States d2) Patent Application Publication oo> Pub. No.: US 2006/0094518 A1 Leavitt (43) Pub. Date: May 4,2006 (54) MANUALLY SELF-OPERATED BUTT-KICKING MACHINE (76) Invcnior J. Rmt I cavltt. Melba. ID (US) Correspondence Address: .1. Reeve I eav it I 7611 Murphy Road Melba. II) 83641 (US) (21) Appl. No.: I№977.894 (22) Filed: Oct. 29, 2004 Publication Classification (51) IntCL A63H 37/99 (2006.01) A63J 23/09 (2006.01) (52) ILS. Cl................-...............472/51 (57) ABSTRACT I he Manually Self-Operated Butt-Kicking Machine is in the form of a chair with a hole in live bench. The user sits on the bench with his posterior centered over the hole. A seatheli holds ll* user in place. There is a kicking mechanism located below the hole, w hich has a boot attached to it. When the user or operator pulls the hand-operated lever, the boot kicks the users’ posterior through the hole tn the bench. The Bun kicker is very user friendly with the number of kicking repetitions, type of repetitions, speed of operation, amplitude or height of the kicking cycle, magnitude of the kicking force, and impact and energy of the kick all controlled by the user or operator. This invention is a new, novel, and unique machine with multiple uses, which range from amusement to fundratsing and from motivation to discipline. The objectives of this invention arc also many, including, but nol limited to. teambuilding, self-therapy, to inspire creativity, and to he used as a model for future devices and works of art.
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