А лисички взяли спички, к морю синему пошли, И СОЖГЛИ ЕГО НАХУЙ ВО ИМЯ ИМПЕРАТОРА.
2221.09.14 Paused <$, 32+3 ^ 99+45 #200+10 0 709+2 <>3+24 Traditions <0768 31 months Expansion Domination Prosperity Harmony Adopt Adopt Adopt Wouu Haddn Vofmaur Outliner Ovastivum Planets if we do not impost . Incomin9 Transmission will inevitably i We must expand our civilization to new systems and planets or risk eventual extinction. xinda Crescim Wessari Star Hunters Purity Assembly Fanatical Purifiers Menmaz Guhur. Erdosca Supremacy Diplomacy Adopt Damiun lhe future of this galaxy belongs to those who are strong enough to seize it. The surest way to d< make thei Firin Malba ^ o First Contact with the Wessari Star Hunters How should we respond? Athyorix Hello, Tumbatorians! We have a special message from our Prime Justiciar, just for you! Peace be with you, Wessari. DurabbiUs The way forward lies in our hands, Wessari! Uiafladus You must throw away your old ways, Wessari. ■ Qamm WITH ATOMIC FIRE WE WILL CLEANSE THE UNIVERSE OF YOUR KIND! Zoldiore XENO SCUM! Yel Barrasta Beyu Ymor Za Join urn Lurus Avalam Veyer Saua • 323 4 Ruchba Close Galaxy Map © \*»\ [•] s V 0 à f [ ; Ugarlak Nog ft MHH- Ugariall jtB Bazkarat Prime ™ ft m+m Bazkarat Qasmathon Prime , m ft — Qas... Military Fleets 1 ro 1st Armada AH -»352 Ugariall Civilian Ships 4 ** Science Ship Qasmathon Z2 Construction Ship ISSLethamthe ... Yobhanir >■ Science Ship Peya <>- Science Ship 6 Rally Points Qamm 1 Ugarlak Nog Ugariall Factions 1 • (/' Committee of United Scientists 15 15 ©65% ®+2.0
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