Инопланетная ЗАО РПЦ
Мегацерковь.Церковь, превратившаяся в мегакорпорацию со сплавом духовных и коммерческих ценностей. Должности священника и служащего корпорации объединены
Diplomacy Zithorian Church of Prosperity Megachurch Ruthless Capitalists Megachurch Authority: Oligarchic Holds an election every 40 to 50 years to select a new Ruler. Civics: Corporate Dominion Empire Energy Generation: +10% Warrior Culture Army Damage: +20% Army Upkeep: 20% Exalted Priesthood Governing Ethics Attraction: +20% This government is an oligarchy based on a curious blend of commercial and spiritualistic values, in which the positions of ordained minister and corporate officer have merged into a single role. - 1 IU 'w u 18 [tü Equivalent Zithorian Arthropoid • /■ 233 p Rival Hallowed Comptroller Obr-Wun • Zithorian Ruler Traits: ,yout + Jfe a ¿V A Declare War Offer Trade Deal * ® End Rivalry Offer Migration Treaty & 4 *. « filn Demand Vassalization j ▼ I ■W W ^ r J ¡ 4 nn Demand Tribute Ask to be their Vassal ] Offer Tribute
Stellaris,Игры,антиклерикализм,Stellaris скриншоты
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