Вот новый портрет в чайной технике
"Эрнест Хемингуэй"30 х21 см. Карандаш, чай, акрил
"Мысленно он всегда звал море la mar, как зовут его по-испански люди, которые его любят. Порою те, кто его любит, говорят о нем дурно, но всегда как о женщине, в женском роде. Рыбаки помоложе называют море el mar, то есть в мужском роде. Они говорят о нем как о пространстве, как о сопернике, а порою даже как о враге."
red fat' us were all sortsofiish congrega ste is oí.LWÜoo^fíle ocean. Herel someti In the dark the old ¿find as flying fisiyg “Good luck old man.” “Good luck,” the old man said. He fitted the rope lashings of the oars onto the thole pins and, lea-ning forward against the thrust of the blades in the water, he began to row out of the “harbour in the dark. There were other boats from the other beaches going out to sea and . the old man heard/ y the di^afKl pusTof their oars even though he could not see them now the m& s. Sometimes someojoe would speak in a boat. But most of t ~kipjrf the/ r ^ they were out of i trembling they; soared away in the darkness. He was very fond of flyini fiskaatheywere his principal friends on the ocfean. He was sorry for the birds, especially the small delicate dark terns that were always flying, and .looking , and almost never finding, and he thought, the birds have a harder life than vi&do except for the robber birds and the heavy strong ones. Why did they make birds so delicate and fine as those sea swai-lows when the ocean can be so cruel? She is kind and very beautiful. But she caribe so cruel and it comes so suddenly and such birds that fly, dipping and hunting, with theksmall sad voices are made too delicately for the sea. He always thought of the sea/s-la marwhicii is what people call her in Spanish when they love her. Sometimes those who love her say bad things of her but they are ^wavs said as though she were a woman. Some of the younger fishermen, those who used budys af floa/lor their fines and had mo-torboats, bought when the shark livers had brought much nfoney, spoke of her as el mar which is masculine. They spoke of her as a contestant or a place or eden jtt energy. Butthg old man always / thought of her as feminine and as something that gave or withhjd great favours, and if she did wild % or wicked things it was because she could not help them. The moon affects her as it does a woman, he thought. ^ H 7
Gnievyshev,OleksiiGnievyshev, Гневышев,artist,art,арт,красивые картинки,Хемингуэй,портрет,сам рисовал
Еще на тему
Рисунок хорош.
Будет ласковый дождь, будет запах земли,
Щебет юрких стрижей от зари до зари,
И ночные рулады лягушек в прудах,
И цветение слив в белопенных садах.
Огнегрудый комочек слетит на забор,
И малиновки трель выткет звонкий узор.
И никто, и никто не вспомянет войну —
Пережито-забыто, ворошить ни к чему.
И ни птица, ни ива слезы не прольёт,
Если сгинет с Земли человеческий род.
И весна… и весна встретит новый рассвет,
Не заметив, что нас уже нет.