I’m growing quite old. I don’t have much time left. My human knows this. He spends more time with / грустный комикс :: собаки и люди :: собаки :: комиксы без перевода :: Смешные комиксы (веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы)

Комиксы комиксы без перевода собаки собаки и люди грустный комикс удалённое 
I’m growing quite old.
I don’t have much time left.
My human knows this. He spends more time with me.
Sometimes my human’s human holds me tight with this sad, sad face.
Other times, he’ll look at my human with resigned eyes and hug me closer.
My only regret is that my passing may cause them
I’m growing quite old. I don’t have much time left. My human knows this. He spends more time with me. Sometimes my human’s human holds me tight with this sad, sad face. Other times, he’ll look at my human with resigned eyes and hug me closer. My only regret is that my passing may cause them pain. I teach her how to play with the humans, 1 think I’m ready to sleep now.
Смешные комиксы,веб-комиксы с юмором и их переводы,комиксы без перевода,собаки,собаки и люди,грустный комикс,удалённое
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