"Если бы я мог играть в видеоигры, кончено это была бы Атари!"
STEVIE WONDER Simp»«, straightforward controllers. Wiih vm controllers. Stoic nould he all thumbs. UlM use ore numbers «he« >ou ом»'« see"' Hut's «ht Awn (het >»m CVB) KVIBt fosstivks And fuddle* l.vco Stetic con fumble his teas through n jotstieV You don't need two people to play with an ATARI 2600...Or even two eyes. All Ac ho« ATARI games van he rnjoecd l>) a single plater. SKriettnloph) adooe.eeenifhehaeno ish-j m hat\ happening.. "I lose the sound of fun'" Stevie isn't superstitious by rule...Ituit. ben it comcitoitin.be knots-s «halt nh.it! And nhen it amci to a game (cmlc t>stcm. only the Alan 2600 will do "My friend» tell me the graphics are the best I don't ho»« «hoi lhoi meant, hot I knots nith the Atari 2600 they mutl he upright and m(U sighf*" Only Atari brings the arcade classics hOmc.Onl) Vun 2600 tut ho«K »«sums of Stctie't iaiKUci Space Intodert.' IV' Mon,' Missile (.'«sound.' Asteroids," Breakout. and more • the greatest arcade hits of all time. Slesie hat them all he likes t» hear hit friends hating fun’ ATARI Ctttt Ateri.tnc Q » Лг-Ф COWV4JWH Co><*4 CIRCLE 118 ON REAOER SERVICE CARO
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Купили мне ее родители вместо Денди, т.к. не отличали одну от другой, отчего у меня нехуево подгорало года полтора ))