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video Murmuration птица коллективный разум песочница 

Murmuration (Official Video) by Sophie Windsor Clive & Liberty Smith,People,starling,starlings,flock,birds,dancing,connection,nature,Dance,Bird,Wildlife,beautiful,islands,and,rivers,www.islandsandrivers.co.uk,sophie,windsor,clive,liberty,smith,Ireland,irish,loch,derg,river,shannon,county,clare,amazing,girls,in,canoes,british,www.islandsandrivers.com A short film that follows the journey of two girls in a canoe on the River Shannon and how they stumble across one of nature's greatest phenomenons; a murmuration of starlings. A murmuration is a... /merr'meuh ray"sheuhn/, n. 1. an act or instance of murmuring. 2. a flock of starlings.
video,Murmuration,птица,коллективный разум,песочница
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как в фильме обитель зла 3 :D
я очень впечатлительный человек но как то не очень.
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видео,video Ястреб птицы

Screaming hawk at door,People & Blogs,hawk,screeching hawk,screaming hawk,doorstep,If a screaming hawk was at your door....What would you do? May 2016 - The hawk was ok. My dog and the hawk had just startled each other. To use this video in a commercial player or in broadcasts, please email
When a shoebill comes to greet you, it sounds like a gunfight just broke out,Entertainment,Shoebill,Balaeniceps rex,whale-headed stor,Thanks for watching. Have a nice day!

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When a shoebill comes to greet you, it sounds like a gunfight just broke out,Entertainment,Shoebill,Balaeniceps rex,whale-headed stor,Thanks for watching. Have a nice day!
вороны своих не бросают,People & Blogs,,

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вороны своих не бросают,People & Blogs,,
Amazing Japanese Precision (posted by Sanitaryum | Clean Humor),People,,Really amazing video of extreme walking. More funny pics and vids at www.Sanitaryum.com. We HAVE a STORE & MOBILE APP!!

японцы коллективный разум пиздец песочница удалённое

Amazing Japanese Precision (posted by Sanitaryum | Clean Humor),People,,Really amazing video of extreme walking. More funny pics and vids at www.Sanitaryum.com. We HAVE a STORE & MOBILE APP!!