Английский язык - универсальный. Его знает огромное количество людей. Однако очевидно, что все говорят с разными акцентами. В этом видео парень демонстрирует 24 различных акцента английского языка и сразу предупреждает, что все это шутки и построено на стереотипах. Но огромная доля правды в этом есть.
The English Language In 24 Accents,People,24,accents,dialects,language,pronunciation,british,english,scottish,welsh,irish,american,australian,french,german,italia,Check out my newest accent video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtB1W8zkY5A&feature=plcp Anyway this video is me attempting to do 24 different accents from my own country and from other countries around the world. Hopefully I got most of them right but I may have made mistakes and I can do some better than others. However, I made this video for my friends because I promised them I would do an accent video. I mean no offence to anyone and please don't be upset if I have not included your specific accent or got it wrong. Please enable and read the annotations too, as they explain a few things. Also please note that I learned most of these accents randomly off of TV, movies and video games over the years and some can be very stereotypical. And yes, I am filming in the garden shed lol as its more quiet in there.
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