Cruel woman kills ex's fish with BLEACH in sick revenge video,News & Politics,The Sun,news,breaking / женщины :: anon

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Cruel woman kills ex's fish with BLEACH in sick revenge video,News & Politics,The Sun,news,breaking news,fish,woman,revenge,ex,spiteful,bleach,Serena Reynoldson,oxford,criminal,torture,animal,animal cruelty,animals,rspca,ex girlfriend,crazy,girlfriend,crazy girlfriend,story,THIS is the horrifying moment a vengeful woman filmed herself pouring bleach into her 'cheating' ex's fish tank. Cruel Serena Reynoldson chanted "die, die, die" as she filled the tank with a THOUSAND times more than the corrosive liquid's fatal dose. She then sent the sick footage to ex partner John Fitzpatrick and accused him of cheating - before warning his pet snake would be next. Speaking at Oxford Magistrates' Court, she claimed she had been suffering from stress and anxiety when she murdered the pets - beloved by her four kids. In the videos, the court heard her saying: "Die, die, die, look more bleach, let's pour it in, bleach, bleach, bleach. "Do not think you can have your hobbies and I can't have mine you selfish f***ing c***." Simon White, prosecuting, said: "Levels of bleach required to be fatal would be 1 millilitre of bleach per 50L and it is quite clear there is more than one litre here. "There is immediate suffering to the fish, they will have suffered prior to their death. Reynoldson was disqualified from keeping fish for life and sentenced to 18 weeks imprisonment suspended for 12 months. She was also ordered to do 15 days unpaid work and to pay £115 victims surcharge and £300 costs. Speaking after the hearing, RSPCA Inspector Andy Eddy blasted: "The videos were really shocking. "I was quite horrified when I saw the footage and how blasé she was when doing that to the fish and seeing her actions. "It is terrible that she used the fish to do this to her ex partner." By Jacob Dirnhuber Read more: Woman pours bleach into ex-partner’s fish tank Sun Subscribers get the latest breaking news and videos directly to their feed. SUBSCRIBE NOW and hit the bell to be the first in the know.
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тупая девка, как я её блин ненавижу
anon anon 08.09.201823:59 ответить ссылка 1.3
вот мужику подобная хуйня никогда бы в голову не пришла, ебанутые твари
anon anon 09.09.201809:19 ответить ссылка 1.9
why not fish sticks
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