Dior Homme by Hedi Slirrwne woo -hlsnd suit. $2 270. select Fifth Avenue stores; saks.«»rn 'cr stora info. Prada cotto" shirt $370, and silk: e $215, sclcct Prada stores; 385-2/7-190C for store Info. CARDO MAY 2JCb FULL DISCLOSURE CASIO EX-S600 DIGITAL CAMERA $399. FXI1 IM.COM (“atc.h them red-handed-but not red-ayyd—with this super-slim crcdit-card cam. On y 63 inches thick, the b megapixel sncoter has c fully retractable ¿X optical zoom drrj can record MPEG-4 video A slick trick: Need to sw a fuzzy image in on old pho:c? Take a picture of it. and the EX-SSCO will dcludl y enhance and restore it. clcarir.q up ths details. And :he can’s new anti-shake technology wi I help you shoot sharp phctos and steady 6-10 x 480 video (at an imorsssivc 30 fps). even when •you’re ducking for cover.
Джонатан Райс-Майерс,auto