Кортни Верблоу: "Я не могу сдержать слёз". Во время спешной эвакуации из Парадайза кошку не смогли найти и считали погибшей. Через месяц после пожара (когда разрешили власти) семья вернулась в сгоревший город и обнаружила, что их кошка Тимбер сидит на пепелище дома
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NEVER LOSE HOPE! Cat Timber found exactly one month after Camp Fire in Paradise, Ca,Entertainment,campfire,cat,timber,paradiseca,paradisestrong,reunited,hope,paradise,neverlosehope,never lose hope,shemadeit,california,californiawildfire,ridgestrong,buttestrong,miraclesdohappen,testimony,siamesecat,love,On December 8th, 2018, exactly one month after the Camp Fire swept through our entire community of Paradise, CA, we found hope! With no home left, Timber (our family cat) came running to us! NEVER LOSE HOPE! My husband, two children and I lost our home in this fire as well as my entire small business. My parents also lost their home that they lived in. After so much loss, this is a testimony of endurance, strength, and love. Timber is a very special cat to our family. After a tree fell on my parent’s rental home 7 years ago, we were forced to move out and into a rental of our own. (The new rental did not allow cats.) At the time her name was “kitty” and was renamed Timber - what you yell when a tree is falling - Timmmberrrrr! Get it? ;) - From this point on, Timber lived with my parents back on the property she knew as home. She is an amazing family cat and we are so happy to have her back into our arms - especially for our 6 year old, Ellie. To donate to help our family in this time please visit our GoFundMe page: https://www.gofundme.com/ParadiseFire-HelpWerblowFamily Or my parents: https://www.gofundme.com/a-home-for-joe-and-michelle-cabrera Original video posting: https://www.facebook.com/1079299044/posts/10214986854799706/ #paradisestrong #buttestrong #campfire #paradise #california #paradiseca #neverlosehope #miraclesdohappen #timber #shemadeit #testimony #reunited #hope #love #strength #cat #siamesecat
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кстати, а ему сказали, что в этот пост гурятинку выкладывать нельзя? разве что ссылками и с предупреждением
или он уже выложил и уже в бане?
ниже были пруфы от кукурузы с мертвым котэ, которые он быстро удалил
Правда приехали мы не через месяц конечно, что то около пары дней.