Crystal's New Year / art girl :: lewd-zko :: art барышня :: Lewd-Zko (Zko) :: mind control :: artist :: Гипноз :: mind control :: без перевода :: artist :: art :: art (арт)

Lewd-Zko artist art барышня art без перевода mind control Гипноз 

Crystal's New Year

Crystaaal you awake?
Good i need to ask you something
Remember your new year’s resolution? How many of those morning jogs have you done this year?
Uhhhh Enough c:
Well now you're going to actually start doing them C: AND ON WHOSE

Hey Crystal what's up. I can see you literally just squirming in your seat in every class today
you seem stressed you should go for a jog
Are youu suuuure >u>
YES IM SURE I'm just antsy cuz my

Wow really
You ran around the block in less than 5 minutes, I've never even done that.
I don't see you in class where are you?
sshowers playng too sweatyy and panting
So are you just gonna skip class and play in there?
In the shower?
Itss built up so musch my headis just mushyu I

Crystaaal you awake? 77777 Good i need to ask you something I SAID ZZZZZ. WHY DO YOU DISTURB THE SLUMBER >:T Remember your new year’s resolution? How many of those morning jogs have you done this year? Uhhhh Enough c: Well now you're going to actually start doing them C: AND ON WHOSE AUTHORITY? =A = On ‘TRANCE* authority yes master OK Crystal, I command you to go for one jog no master Good Wait woah what. That’s a first, are you really that lazy? yes master Okay uh, do you have any fun morning routines? Watch anime? Play anything? yes master, play with myself in bed then shower Play like on your switch or a mobile game in bed right? Crystal when you wake you won’t be able to touch that morning routine until you jog around the block. no master play with my pu yes master •AWAKE* I’ll see you in class Crystal =u= OKIE DOKIE I’ll pack up soon I just woke up and have stuff to do =o="
Hey Crystal what's up. I can see you literally just squirming in your seat in every class today I JUST SHUT UP I DUNNO >-< you seem stressed you should go for a jog NO YOU NUCLEAR STINK BOMB I JUST NEED SOMETHING ELSE NOT JOG JOG DUMB Are youu suuuure >u> YES IM SURE I'm just antsy cuz my morning was stressful and dumb X( Okay I'm going to be honest I know exactly what's wrong. You can't seem to "do something” right? 0///@ WHAT HOW AM i that obvious oh friggen heck aaaAAAa HOW CAN SOMEONE EVEN TELL, DOES EVERYONE ELSE IN CLASS KNOW I can't FUNCTION WITHOUT a morning fix don't judge q///q I never imagined you need to play daily that badly, I want to see what it looks like when you do tbh @//////@ UHHHH I MEAN >///< I guess maybe >~> If you're okay with it >/////> BUT I CAN'T FOR SOME REASON AAAAA Maybe if you go for a quick jog you might find your problem solved ouo Trust me AAAAAAsdfdasasdf OKAY FINE I'M GOING TO RUN AS FAST AS I CAN you better be right about this ILL BUG KATIE FOR CLASS NOTES LATER BRB
back Wow really You ran around the block in less than 5 minutes, I've never even done that. I don't see you in class where are you? sshowers playng too sweatyy and panting So are you just gonna skip class and play in there? In the shower? yess Itss built up so musch my headis just mushyu I cnt think witout mornin routine imjust. AIM hrny butfe eel goodddd ilolvre iit Do you need me to come over and help are you ok Yessss come oover andhelp il leet u doanythngyou want to me ilmqke youfel sogguood Okay I just left the class, turn on video calling so I can check up on you ok heee eeere OH OKAY UH SO THAT'S WHAT YOU MEANT WITH HELP UH OKAY I'M COMING DOWN JUST TRY NOT TO LET ANYONE SEE YOU I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO PLAY GAMES oh wait you said "play with myself” as in masturbate not play games by yourself Crystal am I stupid yes sstupid dddd thanks Crystal -u-
Lewd-Zko,Zko,artist,art барышня,art,арт,без перевода,mind control,Гипноз,lewd-zko,artist,art girl,art,mind control
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