Как сказал Илон Маск если бы не этот успешный запуск, к тому же первый успешный, SpaceX бы прекратил / Свидетели Маска :: Falcon 1 :: SpaceX (Space Exploration Technologies Corporation, Американский Батут Корпорейшен) :: разное

SpaceX Falcon 1 #Свидетели Маска 

Как сказал Илон Маск если бы не этот успешный запуск, к тому же первый успешный, SpaceX бы прекратило свое существование.

SpaceX reaches orbit with Falcon 1 - Flight 4 (full video including Elon Musk statement),Science & Technology,SpaceX,Falcon-1,Flight,Merlin,Dragon,Rocket,Space,launch,coverage,SpaceVidcast,Virgin,Galactic,Scaled,Comp,SpaceX is the only private company to ever reach earth orbit with their Falcon 1 rocket. This is the FULL 40 minute webcast from about T-10 minutes until well after SECO. We didn't want to cut out the chorus of cheering after the SpaceX crew realized that they had just made history! While Scaled Composites did reach space twice and thus winning the Ansari X PRIZE, they did not actually reach orbit. The Falcon 1 with its simulated payload is the first private vehicle to reach orbit on Sunday September 28th, 2008 at 23:31 UTC. Space flight forever changed today
SpaceX,Space Exploration Technologies Corporation, Американский Батут Корпорейшен,Falcon 1,Свидетели Маска,разное
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