I anœme’s Magie Noire: give t :o her on our exdusve 3nd spedaHv designee golden tray a spectacular presentador of the coveted, elegant scent that Kylish wcucn €veryvif>crc are ocvoted to. Un the tray, 1.7 oz. Mûÿe Nc-ie Eûu i'c Toilette Syrdy. № a/. Bui:« ck Ришкк with Salin Transparut louse pewter: <md a beautiful deco с«прл1 vith Translucent Matte pressed powta. AI four. 77.50 06-3592) fragrances On otir back cover, The pjrpie ilk taffeta hostess robe frcm Oscar de 1з Renta tor Swirl. Win rayon'silk velvet shsv,l collar aid arm. Fa 6 to 12, imported, 850.00 (33-3010) In Robes. (Shewn with man’s pkatd ooUnn тппк shirl ik; iiriw 28)
Анна Бейл,Anna Bayle,auto
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