Käydä=визит .. a дальше понеслось
Kaynnistyttelija He who makes something start up itself repeatedly Kaynnistely Kaynnistytys Repetitive starting up T,1G act °* makin9 ' something start up itself Kaynnistytella To make something start up itself repeatedly Kaynnistelija He who starts up (repeatedly) Kävelyttää Käynnistellä £SS To start up (repeatedly) Kaynnistyttaa To make something start up itself Kaynnistyttely The act of making something start up itself repeatedly Kaynnistya To start up itse Kävely Kävelijä Ä!fä Walk Walker Käynnistäjä He who starts up Käynnistys Starting-up Kaynnistyttaja He who makes something start up itself Kävellä To walk Cm«r*rwrt>vc) Kayttelija He who uses WELCOME TO THE FINNISH LANGUAGE Kayttely Repetitive use He who uses -kayttoisyys „....... . \ repetitively Kayttaytyminen Untranslatable Kavaista / Behavior / To make a short visits.. Kavaisija Kaytella Kaytannollistely Kavtannollisteliia r.... \\a:h“eS \ /“™k^gprac,ical He who makes practical (repeatedly) Kavaisy ..... /To behave / f^peateciiy) The act of making \ N isaymaia -kayttoinen a short visit Kaypyys Kaytto ^»lnulteo Kaytannollistella Adequateness Wavnti / Use . To make practical Käyvämpi 4 *"ï adequate^ Käypä ^Adequate Mostadequate ' (äynti 1 Visitation !äydä To visit Kaytannollistelemalla Witn the one that was mad« Behavior Käyttää Käyte To use /\ Ferment Käyskennellä To stroll Visitor Kayttaja User Kayskentely Strolling Kayvasti Adequately Kayskentelija Stroller Kaytannossa (repeatedly) in practice Kaytannollisyys / Practicality Kaytannollistys / I / The act of making practical Kaytanto Kaytannollinen— Kaytannollistaa Practice Practical \ To make practical \ Kaytanne .. . Kaytannollistaja Practice Kaytannollisestl He who makes practical Practical^ _______ 1 r ..nm<jtically possible but Kaytannollisemmin More practically Kaytannollisimmin The most practically made prac tical Kaytannollistelemallaan With the one that he made practical \ Kaytannollistelemallaankin With the one that he made practical too / Kaytannollistelemallaankinko With the one that he made practical too? Kayvammin More adequately Kaytannollistattaa To make someone make practical Kaytannollistatys The act of making someone make practical Kaytannollistelemallaankinkohan With the one that he made practical too. I wonder? Kayvimmin The most adequately Kaytannollistattaja .... ... ..... .... .... He who makes someone make practical Kaytannollistatella To make someone make practical repeatedly Kaytanndllistattely The act of making someone make practical repeatedly Kaytannollistattelija He who makes someone make practical repeatedly
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