■ 'm the bggest sports junkie.” dams I model/actres>/Lakers tan Bonnie-Oili I Lafin. "I hav? a toother, burl wcs . always tlie bey in the family. My daaV • ^ gL been taking ne to games since I was 2. , £ - And I wasn't one cf thc-se kids who \ ( was asking for 0?>rk«r .lark. I was aikiji I-r -'How fast does that gay ixn the 40?" ^ , K&tjncdels iiho nave graced as man/ hngcrikcatiloos as tke impassioned 24-yter-old sper.d their time either 4/ o>nRued by basic arithmetic ot bcrsdHpp ^ themselves for eating that seccnd p JJRt celery. Not Bonrie-JLl. Her agenda 1 itdudgs working the NBA draf: as an utlb coming in fro«.* * ^ ■j^^Bier :w.v~), beginning productioa^jJL * :tS^U<: $i>0 FiinCiSC0 ^ J ton fcom her tine as one of the NFL's preml-r dvictleadins. "I rcu JL the .uoll recently and this guy cam? over with the PaUas Cowboys cheerleader calendar IW3S cn th* covfcr of? she recalls. "Why vu ha at the mall with a calendar from 1997? I con't Hunt he was using it as a calendar." 3 2 What sort cf grueling physical dwllenges cocs t woman fvsve to survive (• ord«r to i| 3 become a Dallas Cowtoys cheerleader? ^ £ It's a wo-week process. Besides darcing, £ Z you h*v<* to take a 1*j(V-qi**tion test on ¿3 current events, plus one on the Dallas *5 Cowboys a»d oik on football listoiy. We 5 ~ were in froit of the media constantly, so 5* they wanted the girls to be in tune with , 51 vhat't going on. Evgn wh*n you're on th< fit ^eam,you ^ke a cunent event» test onc| *5 3 week. If you dwi’t jass, you don't chea o that v*ek. The di rector was on your ass jj . :* «veryjiing. She’d poke ycu with a pencfj aieas where site thought you shook) los| 5* weight. You weigh in ever/ week and ydfl ^* fcave a two-pound leeway. If ycu're 'Wcl 4 but at^the time, bS wasdaiKirqjjg .«5 ‘ mWicftc^ot 1 ■ &C «Jxtfbfl&faitr my God* my*
Бонни-Джил Лафлин,auto