Foxy, what are you doing here? Everyone knows that the rimworlds are a lawless and dangerous place to live. That's why having powerful and reliable weapons are an important part of your colony! For example, this is the E15 charge rifle, the standard-issue rifle of our security forces here at Angel's Rest! Rugged and reliable, it has superior optics and accuracy compared to the standard R-15 charge rifle! When bulk and weight are an issue, we have the ЕЭС charge carbine, a short-barreled variant with shorter range but all the power of the full-sized E15! If you really need to reach out and touch someone, the E16 precision charge rifle is your best friend! Firing the more powerful 8x35mm charged cartridge, it provides precise, long-range firepower with deadly precision! For the times when fire superiority is a priority, the L20C charge light machine gun fires the same 8x35mm round at high volume, providing valuable fire support! 3ust because you're not a frontline combatant, doesn't mean you can't be properly armed! The P12 personal defense weapon is an ultra-compact and lightweight firearm made possible by miniaturized charged shot technology! Both it and the S8 charge pistol give our support staff ways to defend themselves in case of unexpected enemy contact! Last but not least, the M3 Rosethom is the standard-issue combat and utility knife of the Angels. CA knife may not seem important when we have high-tech guns slinging advanced plasma-coated rounds, but a knife won t ever run out ammo or ¿am on you. Never leave home without it! The Eccentric normally guards his advanced technology carefully so it doesn't fall into the wrong hands, but for a limited time, you too can wield the power and fury of the Eccentric's Angels! гг Now on Steam Workshop!
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Хотя тут, конечно, от ситуации зависит. Как то раз на колонию напали 2 рейда, а дома только 2 пацифиста и пузан с револьвером. Благо дома ещё был выводок собак (их становилось слишком много), вот тогда ближний бой мне действительно помог. Стая, аки рой зергов, волной набросилась на рейдеров не оставив им шанса.