Короткий анимационный ролик о прогрессе. Чем-то он мне очень понравился, и захотелось поделиться с вами. Судя по количеству просмотров, его мало кто видел.
March of Progress - Animated Short 2016,Film & Animation,Animation,composite,project,cartoon,Short,Walk,Flash,Aftereffects,Maya,2016,History,Past,Present,Future,Potential,Optimistic,Cavemen,Tribesmen,Egyptian,Roman,Arabian,Renaissance,Enlightenment,Industrial,Modern,Contemporary,Technology,Intelligence,March,Of,Progress,3D,Transcendence,A stroll through the past, present, and future of mankind. A year of hard work has come to fruition, intended as a spiritual successor to this old video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gglu5... The message was intended to be more optimistic than the last one. This project was made to showcase my abilities in animation, 3D, and compositing. Character animation was done in Adobe Flash. 3D Environments were made in Maya. Compositing was done in Adobe Aftereffects. Twitter: https://twitter.com/EVanimations Deviantart: http://evanimations.deviantart.com/ Newgrounds: http://evanimations.newgrounds.com/ Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/evanimations Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/NGStep/v... Music was made by my buddy Step. Check out his pages linked at the end of the video! Twitter: https://twitter.com/StephanWells1 Newgrounds: http://step.newgrounds.com/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/NGStep/v...
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Но всё-таки, я считаю, есть общий положительный тренд. Несмотря на периодические кризисы, есть прогресс как в области технологий, так и в уменьшении насилия.