Папин бродяга, мамин симпатяга
BAN DJ y oor tool vvtinn «h* djncmg Uu> theie ipeciaHy dr»ign«d. vrf.it« wmt lundi to wipe brow MORE P»* $n ol 2 O a m o 05 Æ/SCO 78 DI$CO 5HIRTS Do il >n ityle wth ih«M bot Mn dcngns - ttie latest indnco wear! FuBy *v«thab»a, «Jp*> quality. colored thirti nude in U S A Youi cboac* o( 5 desteñí (more on revene »¡de), 4 iblrt colon and 2 Style«! F rom $5.00 N.. 803 Dation No. 802 Design No. 801 IFrench Cut Style Shownl
80's,реклама,рекламные фото приколы ,Disco
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mmm... my ding ding dong.