Говорят нет, но на самом деле хз, некоторых змей когда выгуливаешьнекоторые к хозяину постоянно приползают вместо рандомного шатания. Или вот например:
Ну надо сказать, что приползание в сторону наиболее знакомого запаха, мало о чем говорит. Да и на видео ничео особенного нет. Всеже скорее всего они очень тупые, хотя жаль.
Нашёл в одной теме про змей один рассказ продавца животных, может тебе интересно будет:
"I think snakes are able of feeling affection. I work at a pet store, and a while back we sold a snake that ended up being returned twice due to people just being terrible. Each time the snake came back, he seemed to grow more and more attached to me as I was the one who handled him the most. One day I came into work to find him in our isolation room since he had been returned a second time, and I opened his cage to take him out to see if he looked healthy. Once he smelled me, he got excited as I picked him up and curled around my hand. I figure this was affection as he had been fed a few days prior and was not hungry, and his enclosure was at the right temperature. He was also rubbing his face on my hand, although I hadn't handled anything food-smelling prior and he was not about to shed. So in my mind, that was affection. Thankfully his next home was a good one, I was sad to see him go."
Как друга - нет, потому что концепт дружбы не доступен рептилиям. Они могут распознать тебя, как полезную, безопасную и тёплую корягу для лежания, которая их кормит.
Просто помню кто-то писал, мол у змей строение мозга такое, что она просто не может никак испытывать привязанность к человеку. Вот мне интересно, я видел много фото как больших ящерец выгуливают на поводке. Им также и как змеям пофиг, что их, допустим гладят?
Выглядит опасно.
По факту он запросто бы ею пообедал, если бы захотел.
"I think snakes are able of feeling affection. I work at a pet store, and a while back we sold a snake that ended up being returned twice due to people just being terrible. Each time the snake came back, he seemed to grow more and more attached to me as I was the one who handled him the most. One day I came into work to find him in our isolation room since he had been returned a second time, and I opened his cage to take him out to see if he looked healthy. Once he smelled me, he got excited as I picked him up and curled around my hand. I figure this was affection as he had been fed a few days prior and was not hungry, and his enclosure was at the right temperature. He was also rubbing his face on my hand, although I hadn't handled anything food-smelling prior and he was not about to shed. So in my mind, that was affection. Thankfully his next home was a good one, I was sad to see him go."
Стоп. Такое поведение свойственно рептилиям? Секунду...