ANATOMICA DRACONIS 17 Patella 18 Calcaneus 19 Metatarsals 20 Carpals 21 Metacarpals 22 Ph / :: без перевода :: хайрез в комментариях :: строение :: биология :: дракон

дракон биология строение хайрез в комментариях без перевода 

17	Patella
18	Calcaneus
19	Metatarsals
20	Carpals
21	Metacarpals
22	Phalanges
23	Ulna
24	Radius
25	Humerus
26	Ischium
27	Ilium
28	Pubis
29	Ischiadic foramen
30	Svnsacrum
31	Sclera tic eye ring
32	Cranium
33	Fenestra
1 Sternum
2	Coracoid
3	Thoracic vertebrae
 ANATOMICA DRACONIS 17 Patella 18 Calcaneus 19 Metatarsals 20 Carpals 21 Metacarpals 22 Phalanges 23 Ulna 24 Radius 25 Humerus 26 Ischium 27 Ilium 28 Pubis 29 Ischiadic foramen 30 Svnsacrum 31 Sclera tic eye ring 32 Cranium 33 Fenestra 1 Sternum 2 Coracoid 3 Thoracic vertebrae 4 Lumbar vertebrae 5 Cervical vertebrae 6 Caudal vertebrae 7 Gastralia 8 Chevron 9 Vertebra! ribs 10 Sternal ribs 11 Furcula 12 Keel 13 Scapula 14 Femur 15 Fibula 16 Tibia The systems of a Western Dragon are comparable to that of avians and pterosaurs. The dragon's skeleton has a hollow honeycombed structure that is both lightweight and sturdy. Its respiratory system features unidirectional lungs, and post-cranial skeletal and soft-tissue pneumaticity. The gut is highly corrosive, and the hydrogen produced as a byproductit of digestion aids in keeping the dragon light, as well as fueling its fire. The Pulmonaiy SASS (Subcutaneous air sac system) is a complex system of air sacs located beneath the skin that act as bellows for the lungs as well as to pneumatisize bones; fill them with air. This allows the bones to be larger without being heavier or weaker. The SASS aides in oxygenation of the muscles, uniderectional fow of the lungs, and gives shape and support to the wing. Arrowhead “rudder ” 1 Semispinalis 2 Sterno-occipitalis 3 Deep muscle 4 Sternocleidomastoid 5 Sternohyoideus 6 Sternocephalicus 7 Brachioceplialicus 8 Trapezius 9 Omotransversarius 10 Infraspinatus 11 Deltoideus 12 Triceps brachii 13 Pectoralis profundus 14 Brachialis/Biceps brachii 15 Extensor carpi radial is 16 Extensors & flexors 17 Flexor carpi ulnaris 18 Pectoralis major 19 Pectoralis minor 20 Patagialis longus SCELETUS MUSCULUS 21 Brachioradialis 22 Abductor pollicus 23 Latissimus dorsi 24 Serratus anterior 25 External abdominal oblique 26 Recti abdominis 2 7 Iliotibialis/Quadriceps 28 Tibialis anterior 29 Sartorius 30 Gluteus medius 31 Gluteus superficialis 32 Gastrocnemius 33 Biceps femoris 34 Semitendinosus 35 Peroneus longus 36 Caudofemoralis 37 Depressor caudae 38 Levator caudae 39 Lateralis caudae
дракон,биология,строение,хайрез в комментариях,без перевода,
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Windozer Windozer 04.05.202020:12 ответить ссылка -0.5
Виртуальный диск, на него ссылку. Реактор прокряхтит на нее но пройти можно.
"Ничего нету лучше, как драконий хвост, запеченный на угольях."

chuma chuma 04.05.202020:19 ответить ссылка 0.4
Была у меня книга с похожей тематикой.
Помнится, я этим пользовался ещё года 4 назад, если не больше. Думал, тут давно уже есть с ссылкой на хай-рез.
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orsal side o. is heavtx - eisttnre nasal horns arc used lo open carcasses, wrestle each other, &c aiq their harrows. C (ntrained cues membrane. woun mean o lilts durable dre dhtngjfliot a With a stomach handle rot. an ii^/netj re knownjor engaging N. in conflict with each other survivor. c