ah \ s ] / They really \ /Yeah, but\ / loved snowball \ 'something \ 1 fight before, and \ j happened... 1 would immediately 1 Weeks ago they \ came to play jL l began to work \ after work. / 'v ' really hard and Is it? stopped joinning/ these amusement./
I used to think that. Once contradiction between Infected and Non-infected is solved, most problems could be solved then. But it's not like that. I was too naive. Why did't I understand such a simple question? Starting with the history of Infected, all problems will not be that simple. The struggle for political power will never stop no matter where it is... and so will the Infected. Our true enemies are never just meanness and prejudice, narrowness and ignorance... but also those deep political forces behind us, things that we cannot balance currently. Until you passed away in front of me, I can understand all this cruelty. After all, I failed to take you back to where you really fit. When reality threw all these in front of me, for the first time, I deeply felt my powerlessness. When Ace and others sacrificed to save me... I was just awake then, the things I felt are not so vivid yet. But that day I felt real powerlessness. Recalling these two things is even more painful.... What do those like us who work hard for infected people can actually do? What can we do? What can we save? I'm already confused. Our enemies are never Infected. The conspiracy of the politicians and the ambitions of different forces... They treat the Infected as victims. Every time I stop my step, maybe an infected person will die. My mind really comes into chaos. I haven't even felt such strong mood for a long time. What can Rhodes Island do? What can I do?
The departure of Frostnova is a beginning. Holding the future is what Rhode Island should do. Don't lose present due to regret and helplessness about past. After all, Rhodes Island is where people fight for common ideals. At least, since then, we have her by our side. END
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Часть о Фростнове - лор.