Из Stardew Valley убрали нарушения женевской конвенции
Речь идет о спрайте клиники.
Согласно 44 статье женевской конвенции, красный крест на белом фоне может использоваться только для обозначения санитарных формирований и учреждений, защищенных конвенцией.
Fixed crash when saving after the game adds Lewis's shorts to Mamie's house. Fixed crash viewing the map when another player is in certain events. Fixed "double sound" when using singing stone. Fixed a Geneva Convention violation (by replacing red crosses in graphics). Fixed clicks on the chatbox not being registered when the game is paused. Fixed players sometimes walking off in a straight line through all terrain when they get disconnected. Fixed babies sometimes spawning in houses that don't belong to the parents. Fixed the potential for overnight events to cancel or skip a wedding event. Fixed a desync that could occur if a player tried to get into the casino after a different player has removed the bouncer. Fixed players able to simultaneously build overlapping farm buildings. Fixed only one player being able to get the dark talisman.
Stardew Valley,Игры,красный крест,женевская конвенция
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А потом и до медиа добрались, в том числе игр. - https://habr.com/ru/post/400835/
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