"you actually believe you’re a woman?!" / Trad Girl :: Wojak (Вояк) :: Nordic Gamer (Yes Chad) :: TRAP :: Мемы (Мемосы, мемасы, мемосики, мемесы) :: разное

#TRAP Nordic Gamer Мемы Trad Girl Wojak 
"you actually believe you’re a woman?!",TRAP,разное,Nordic Gamer,Yes Chad,Мемы,Мемосы, мемасы, мемосики, мемесы,Trad Girl,Wojak,Вояк
"you actually believe you’re a woman?!"
TRAP,разное,Nordic Gamer,Yes Chad,Мемы,Мемосы, мемасы, мемосики, мемесы,Trad Girl,Wojak,Вояк
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Тут подвох сразу в 2 вещах.
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Lmao Girls time traveling:
“You’re my granddaughter?”
Me time traveling:
“I’m your son. Please use this.”
“Will do.” Dear, dinners ready okay, thanks for in 30 minutes	telling me mom
20 minutes later*
Dinner is ready soon so I gotta hop off, thanks for playing guys
This food is	I'm glad you like it,
delicious mom	thanks for coming down
early to set the table too

Приколы для даунов разное приколы для даунов с добрым сердцем Trad Girl Wojak,Вояк Мемы,Мемосы, мемасы, мемосики, мемесы Nordic Gamer,Yes Chad без перевода #jokes for retards Trad Girl wojak memes Nordic Gamer

Dear, dinners ready okay, thanks for in 30 minutes telling me mom 20 minutes later* Dinner is ready soon so I gotta hop off, thanks for playing guys This food is I'm glad you like it, delicious mom thanks for coming down early to set the table too