Michael Jackson - Beat It (Chinese Communist Party Version),Comedy,Michael,Jackson,Beat,It,Chinese,Communist,Party,People's,Republic,of,China,Censorship,Orchestra,The People's Republic of China decided that the original Beat It videoclip was not fit for the chinese people and asked the Office of censorship to create its own version of the clip, while keeping the original song. This is what resulted. (I am of course kidding) Clip was taken from (credits to the original author): "The video was edited from a Chinese masterpiece, the Long March Song Cycle (长征组歌) which was made in February 1976."
Марксистский кружок,Марксизм, Коммунизм, Социализм, Левые, Классовая борьба,социал-демократы,анархо-коммунисты,Карл Маркс,Владимир Ленин,пролетариат,политэкономия,диамат,разное,видео,video,Michael Jackson,Музыкальные Исполнители,Знаменитости,разная политота
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