Из Playstation Store исчезла Goodbye Deponia Также вместе с ней удалили и Deponia Collection, включающий всю квадрологию.
По словам представителя Daedalic игра была удалена из-за пересмотренных взглядов Sony на некоторые сцены игры.
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CatboyKami's Monke Dance... idk why they call them racists though??? :(,Entertainment,,explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcbpowvCV0E https://kiwifarms.net/threads/catboykami-lolisocks.73700/page-23#post-7711919 https://streamable.com/6xwtrq
OOt: Justus Jeromin <justus.jeromin@daedalic.de> CeroflH», 13:02 noflgoÖHee^ Hello Pavel, thank you for your request. We are sorry for your inconvenience! Unfortunately, the perspective at Sony on some scenes in Goodbye Deponia changed drastically recently - which is why currently the game is unavailable. Unless Sony changes their content policy it will likely stay this way. Unfortunately, this affects the Deponia Collection as well since it includes Goodbye Deponia, too.
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