Vladreid: Heal, [Guild] Healbot: better? xD [Guild] Gothoxy: heal do you smoke marijoana ? [Guild] Healbot: sure [Guild] Healbot: or do I cannot be opened here. Gothoxy: what type of tabaco do you use to roinnem ? [Group] Aveline: r _ [Guild] Shival: LM red [Guild] Gothoxy: y my friend uitts that to . [Guild] Healbot: I use bullhorse I [Guild] Shira: back I [Guild] Gothoxy: i always roll them with tigra tabac | [Guild] Gothoxy: wb t[Group] Aveline: mine lock 72 lol [Group] Shival: nice =) [Guild] Shira: so whats up? [Guild] Aveline: loooooooooooool [Guild] Shira:? [Guild] Shival: menthol is also nice [Guild] Healbot: nah [Guild] Gothoxy: Imao 1=1 [Guild] Shival: easier to draw о you smoke marijoana ? #' WAKFU updater новая папка | dofus (-/Рабом... ® Переводчик Go... |§^800MHz[Qj2GHz Англ Пт., 4 мая, 17:08
art,арт,geek,Прикольные гаджеты. Научный, инженерный и айтишный юмор,песочница,наркотики,смотри чат
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