Нашёл замечательный эдит по Disco Elysium и не могу не поделиться им
Disco Elysium || Detective. Arriving. On the scene.,Film & Animation,,SPOILERS FOR DISCO ELYSIUM Game: Disco Elysium Song: Alt J - Intro So, back again. In 4K now! Making an edit for a CRPG? Does anyone do that? Clearly, as usual. I enjoy making things difficult for myself. I could probably write an essay on the creation of this video. My current workflow has improved, so expect higher quality edits in the future. I’ve got another Disco edit in the works, something slower, using a lot of the some clips but focusing more on… her… It was my first time using after effects, for things such as the gunshot trails. I tried my best to emulate the style of Disco whilst turning the ostensibly slow Tribunal into something more of an action scene. All the stuff at the tribunal gunfight was added by me, the graphics were done largely in photoshop edited from in game assets, the thought gained, etc. There’s a ton of smaller details literally nobody would notice, for instance that the phone in game doesn’t actually have an answering noise - so I took the check complete noise and added a bandpass filter, or the clicking leading up to a check completing being used to add emphasis as the “trigger pull” timer ticks down. I’ve got some big projects in the works, so expect more stuff in the future.
Disco Elysium,Игры,Игровое видео,Edit
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