World Population in 2018
The country’s size in this map represents the size of the population, Each square [■] represents 500,000 people.
All 15,266 squares show where the world’s 7.633 billion people live,
by Max Roser for - the free online publication that presents the data
The Capital's Economic Power
Reduction in GDP per inhabitant if the capital city was removed (2015)
Greece without Athens iM Slovakia without Bratislava | | France without Paris fcai Czech Republic without Prague SS Denmark without Copenhagen 4— Finland without Helsinki Q Portugal without Lisbon
Population of the world and countries
World population
14-08-2022 14:25:37
8.008,947,423 Current population
Current male population (50.5%)
Current female population (49.5%)
Wodd population clock
Top 3 death causes in the World
today This year
Coronary artery
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