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* You ask Tasque Manager if she is a cat. * Better not try anything funny now young nan
-V«*/ * h *№
* There, there.
it's okay, little kitty-
need anymore help?
*	Ho worries Ms. T.Managerî
*	For I am also a servant of this mansion?
* The Queen made me a butler moments ago
(she ran out of cages)
UHflttt HOWt WHEHttt
ade ne 'Л

Undertale фэндомы Ralsei,ralsei, Ralsei (Deltarune) Deltarune персонажи Deltarune Tasque Manager (deltarune) Tasque (deltarune) Undertale комикс,Undertale комиксы без перевода R-MK artist

* Better not try anything funny now young nan nKm -V«*/ * h *№ * There, there. it's okay, little kitty- need anymore help? * Ho worries Ms. T.Managerî * For I am also a servant of this mansion? * The Queen made me a butler moments ago (she ran out of cages) UHflttt HOWt WHEHttt ade ne 'Л
A BIG SHOT, in my opinion.,Film & Animation,deltarune,undertale,chapter 2,tasque,manager,vegas,music,big shot,bigshot,whip,cat,computers,girl,dance,gif,loop,spamson,theme,lights,lewdicidemouse,lewdicide,mouse,art,animation,My favorite character and favorite song from Deltarune Chapter 2.

I made

Tasque Manager (deltarune) Deltarune персонажи Deltarune Undertale фэндомы Tasque (deltarune) Undertale Animation

A BIG SHOT, in my opinion.,Film & Animation,deltarune,undertale,chapter 2,tasque,manager,vegas,music,big shot,bigshot,whip,cat,computers,girl,dance,gif,loop,spamson,theme,lights,lewdicidemouse,lewdicide,mouse,art,animation,My favorite character and favorite song from Deltarune Chapter 2. I made