DnD мои чуваки / dnd :: It is Wednesday My Dudes (it's wednesday my dudes, its wednesday my dudes, It is Wednesday My Dudes, it's wednesday my dudes)

It is Wednesday My Dudes dnd 

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It is Wednesday My Dudes,it's wednesday my dudes, its wednesday my dudes, It is Wednesday My Dudes, it's wednesday my dudes,dnd

It is Wednesday My Dudes,it's wednesday my dudes, its wednesday my dudes, It is Wednesday My Dudes, it's wednesday my dudes,dnd
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Комментарии 7 02.11.202208:34 ссылка 27.8
Ван-шот с легушками, где у них есть всего 1 день (естественно в среду), что бы убить лича, прокравшегося в город, чтобы сделать всех зомби.
Kon_Boi Kon_Boi 02.11.202210:15 ответить ссылка 1.2
И все действия нужно сопровождать словами среды: "It is wednesday my dudes".
Если сделать ван-шот на английском, можно было бы сделать какой-нибудь праздник/ежегодное событие "Wednes-day", "днём Веднеса", например. И даже привязать это к сюжету, как-нибудь
In fact, the name Wednesday actually derives from two mighty but distinct gods. The Old English word for Wednesday indicates that the day was named for the Germanic god Woden. In Romance languages, the name is derived from the Roman god Mercury. (For example, Wednesday is mercredi in French and miercuri in Romanian.)

The gods Woden (also known as Odin) and Mercury have been associated since Scandinavian and Roman cultures crossed paths. Under Woden’s supervision, the earth and sky were created from the dead body of a giant named Ymir. Woden also created the first man and woman from an ash tree and an alder. As if fashioning the human race wasn’t enough, Woden also established the laws of the universe.

Mercury was the messenger to the gods, along with being the patron of science, the arts, travelers, and athletes. Today, he is one of the most widely recognized gods. Usually, he’s depicted wearing a winged helmet and sandals.
villy villy 02.11.202211:00 ответить ссылка 2.8
Ебать я ткнул пальцем в небо, лол.
Лягушка посередине как будто и з монхана
Siegfrid Siegfrid 02.11.202212:30 ответить ссылка 0.6
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