Backrooms - Intermission [S2FM]
На привью ролика думал что это какая то демка, дескать как создаются ролики, оказалось, что тоже короткометражка и вполне неплохая.
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Backrooms - Intermission [S2FM],Film & Animation,The Backrooms,Backrooms,Liminal Spaces,Creepypasta,Analog Horror,Digital Horror,Horror,SciFi,Animation,Found Footage,Short Film,Animated Movie,Source Filmmaker,Source 2 Filmmaker,Source 2,A tour of the Backrooms goes awry. Voices: - Cameron Nichols @Musetrigger | - SFM @sfmcinematics | This marks the very first video where I am using my own motion capture and not something ripped from games or downloaded from Mixamo. Animation might seem a little wonky at times, but it's all because this is the first time I'm working with proper motion capture data and some of it was a little corrupt due to technical issues Initially I wanted to make a full on comedy, mocking my beloved analog horror genre and the overhyped backrooms phenomena, but I kind of drifted in a different direction. This video is mostly intended as a tech demo of sorts, familiarizing myself with motion capture and just practicing new stuff. Created using the Source Filmmaker. © Valve 2022. Follow me (or don't): ◼ ◼ ◼ ◼ #SourceFilmmaker #Backrooms
S2FM,Source 2 Filmmaker, Source Filmmaker 2,короткометражка
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Но, как я сказал изначально мне концепция показалось вторичной