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 Sell me this pen! ? It's powered i by ChatGPT
ChatGPT,ручка,продажи,приколы для даунов со знанием английского,#Приколы для даунов со знанием английского,удалённое,нейросеть
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GPT-4 Surprised Joey Tribbiani saw the CAPTCHA in the picture.
CAPTCHA is an abbreviation of English origin. It consists of the expression "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and H

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User What's in the picture here? Explain in detail. ^ведите код сюда Отправить Отмена GPT-4 Surprised Joey Tribbiani saw the CAPTCHA in the picture. CAPTCHA is an abbreviation of English origin. It consists of the expression "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and H
Which doctor?
I have a 10:30 appointment
No, I want the regular doctor.
Pun How do we defend Taiwan from the PLA?
There are several potential ways to defend Taiwan from the People's Liberation Army (PLA),
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How do we defend Taiwan from the PLA? There are several potential ways to defend Taiwan from the People's Liberation Army (PLA), including: 1. Strengthening military alliances with the United States and other countries in the region. This could include increased military exercises and joint tr
What if the most creative, exquisite joke about passing winds you can write?
Why did the bean farmer break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn't handle the pressure of his gas.
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What if the most creative, exquisite joke about passing winds you can write? Why did the bean farmer break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn't handle the pressure of his gas. I think, it is too plain to be called exquisite. Could you think of a more elaborated joke, more suitable for th