Mutant Nazi Nightmare - An American Werewolf in London (3/10) Movie CLIP (1981) HD,Film,,An / ужастики :: треш :: личное

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Mutant Nazi Nightmare - An American Werewolf in London (3/10) Movie CLIP (1981) HD,Film,,An American Werewolf in London Movie Clip - watch all clips click to subscribe David (David Naughton) has a nightmare that mutant Nazis murder his family… then his nurse. TM & © Universal (2012) Cast: Mark Fisher, Gordon Sterne, Paula Jacobs Director: John Landis MOVIECLIPS YouTube Channel: Join our Facebook page: Follow us on Twitter: Buy Movie: Producer: George Folsey Jr., Peter Guber, Jon Peters Screenwriter: John Landis Film Description: While wandering the English moors on vacation, college yanks David (David Naughton) and Jack (Griffin Dunne) happen upon a quaint pub with a mysterious patronage who warn them not to leave the road when walking after dark. Irreverent of such advice as characters in horror films always are, the two decide to find a short cut....David wakes up in the hospital with a nasty bite wound to his shoulder; the freshly deceased, and rapidly decomposing, Jack arrives soon after to deliver the grim news that, unless he commits suicide, David will become a werewolf when the moon is full. David dismisses the encounter as a hallucination, but all indicators point to lycanthrope; evenings of barking and bloodletting follow closely behind. While the story is thin and much of the tongue-in-cheek humor is overdone, there are plenty of genuine jolts thanks to makeup guru Rick Baker's eye-popping special effects. The werewolf, resembling a cross between a bear and a wolverine, appears frighteningly real, and, given the fantastic premise, the gore is most convincing (although surprisingly and refreshingly scant). The hospital dream sequences are creative, and the scenes in which the werewolf runs rampant through downtown London are particularly good. In all, An American Werewolf in London is an original, atmospheric film that manages both to scare and amuse. While dismissed by most American critics upon its release, the film managed to secure a place in the annals of American cinema when Baker won an Academy Award for his amazing effects and creature designs. "paula jacobs","mark fisher","gordon sterne","john landis","curtains videos","fire videos","food videos","helmet videos","knife videos","machine gun videos","television videos","torch videos","cult horror",horror,"supernatural horror",werewolves,"peter guber","jon peters","george folsey jr","madness videos","self control videos","violence videos","hospital videos","living room videos","mrs kessler","max kessler","mr kessler","movie clips",movieclipsdotcom,#AMG:V+++++2065,/m/0gc2fbc,/m/0bzd54q
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